姿的朋友 发表于 2008-7-27 07:36:48


<P><FONT color=#000000>嗨,昨天凌晨我就看到論壇裡有留言說</FONT><a href="http://grandenough.blogspot.com/" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#000000>http://grandenough.blogspot.com/</FONT></A><FONT color=#ff0000><FONT color=#000000> 是燕姿的BLOG了,然後今天中午又看到BLOG裡多了篇文章,沒有立即翻譯的原因是我要做一些查證的工作。結果如何呢?有些訊息要在這裡告訴大家: <br><br>(1)這真的是燕姿的BLOG嗎?我還沒得到燕姿的親口證實,或者應該說我還不確定燕姿是否願意承認這真的是她的BLOG。或許燕姿還想保持一些神秘,或許燕姿想等到適當時機再說明,日後我們就會知道了。就我個人而言,我有充分理由相信這確實是燕姿的BLOG沒錯——不管燕姿承不承認 :p <br>(2)雖然這BLOG裡面有相當程度的私人成分,但我百分百肯定這不是燕姿所謂她寫給自己看的那個「真正私人的私密BLOG」。 <br>(3)燕姿雖然還沒承認這BLOG是她的,但她要我幫忙翻譯讓更多人看得懂,此外她也歡迎大家回覆,不用擔心會打擾到她的私人空間,因為這根本不是她的私密BLOG。我想,在目前燕姿沒跟任</FONT><FONT color=#000000>何唱片公司有合約的狀況下,這個BLOG可以做為我們和燕姿交流的管道。 <br><br>以下,就先幫大家翻譯BLOG裡最新的這篇留言囉(至於先前的9篇,我盡量找時間看能不能補上,但我最近自己剛創業,確實很忙,只能盡量囉) <br><br></FONT>(標題)29 going on 20 <br><FONT color=#000000>(標題)</FONT><FONT color=#000000>隨著20世代</FONT><FONT color=#000000>離去的29歲</FONT> <br><br>So 30 is the new 20. Or so they say. I suppose it all boils down to whether you can wear mini skirts and feel absolutely fab. Personally, I don't think any woman over 30 should wear mini skirts. It's like trying to suck on a holey straw. Holey moley, I don't even know what that means! <br><FONT color=#000000>30歲就像20歲是個</FONT><FONT color=#000000>新的開始,似乎有</FONT><FONT color=#000000>人這麼說。我</FONT><FONT color=#000000>覺得重點是妳能</FONT><FONT color=#000000>不能穿迷你裙而不讓</FONT><FONT color=#000000>人覺得很奇怪。</FONT><FONT color=#000000>就我個人來說,我不認為任何超過30歲的女人該穿迷你裙。那就好像試著用一根中空的麥桿當吸管一樣不恰當,天啊,我甚至不知</FONT><FONT color=#000000>道那是</FONT><FONT color=#000000>在幹嘛!</FONT><br><br>But honestly, with gravity pulling at your knee caps, who wants to see a 30 something in a mini, give me another Madonna in her leotards and I'll look the other way. <br><FONT color=#000000>不過,</FONT><FONT color=#000000>老實說,膝蓋都因為地心引力而下垂了,有誰會對迷你裙下30高齡的東西感興趣?就像另一個穿</FONT><FONT color=#000000>了緊身衣的</FONT><FONT color=#000000>Madonna,</FONT><FONT color=#000000>我會裝作沒看見。</FONT> <br><br>But 30 year olds can eat ice cream. <br><FONT color=#000000>不過,30歲了</FONT><FONT color=#000000>還是可以吃冰淇淋。</FONT> <br><br>The other day I brought my niece to Island Creamery just 5 minutes away from my place. It's always the same old drill: <br><FONT color=#000000><FONT color=#000000>前</FONT>幾天,我帶著我的</FONT><FONT color=#000000>小姪女(姊姊燕</FONT><FONT color=#000000>佳的女兒)<FONT color=#000000>住處只去</FONT>離我</FONT><FONT color=#000000>有5分鐘路程</FONT><FONT color=#000000>遠的Island Creamery買</FONT><FONT color=#000000>冰淇</FONT><FONT color=#000000>淋,依舊</FONT><FONT color=#000000>是相同的問答.</FONT> <br><br>"What flavor do you want?" <br><FONT color=#000000>“想要什麼口味的</FONT><FONT color=#000000>?”我問</FONT>。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>Pink." <br><FONT color=#000000>“粉紅色的。”</FONT><FONT color=#000000>小姪女回答。</FONT> <br>"As in strawberry? You want strawberry ice cream?" <br><FONT color=#000000>“像是草莓嗎?妳要草莓口味的冰淇淋?”我問。</FONT> <br>"Chocolate." <br><FONT color=#000000>‘’不是,我要巧克力的。”小姪女回答。</FONT> <br><br>This delusion of being a princess surrounded in pink glitterati has led her to think all things pink. It doesn't fail to amuse me when she always inevitably point to the dark, (not unlike FECAL my dear) swarthy brown paste of ice. It blows her fantasy, but i guess chocolate is always the better flavour and boy does she KNOW IT. <br><FONT color=#000000>這就好比公主被身邊粉紅色的名流所包</FONT><FONT color=#000000>圍,而產生所有的東西都是粉紅色的錯覺。當她把小木杓在黑黑的、棕色已融化成糊狀冰淇淋</FONT><FONT color=#000000>(不要把它</FONT><FONT color=#000000>想成便便,親愛的)裡挖的時候,總是讓我覺得很好笑。那激發了她的想像,我想她確實知道巧克力總是較好的口味。</FONT> <br><br>Speaking of princesses, I never had a barbie doll. I think my younger sister might have had one...During my time, barbie dolls were expensive! At 7, Barbies were overpriced blonde, curvy, ideal woman packed in plastic. <br><FONT color=#000000>說到公主,我從來都沒有芭比娃娃。我想我妹妹燕美可能有一個……當我還小的時候,芭比娃娃還很貴!我七歲的時候,芭比娃娃是有著白皮膚、金黃色頭髮、碧藍的眼珠與完美曲線的塑膠製完美女性。 <br><br></FONT>I had the most hilarious time with this precocious class mate in primary school who had many and I, being the enviable moody girl at 7, I never failed to remind her the hideousness of her foreign treasured toy. I think it must have plagued her no end, she never brought them to school after that. <br><FONT color=#000000>念小學的時候,我和一位擁有許多芭比娃娃的早熟同學度過一段好笑的時光。那時的我是個充滿嫉妒心且喜怒無常的七歲小女生,總是不斷跟她說她的寶貝外國玩具有多麼讓人討厭。我想,那一定不斷地讓她感到難堪,她再也沒有把那些芭比娃娃帶到學校了</FONT>。 <br><br>At 30, I will like to say, yes I was jealous of you having possesed the most coveted toy in my youth and I'm sorry if I made you feel victimised. <br><FONT color=#000000>現在30歲了,我想說的是,我曾經很嫉妒妳擁有那些我小時候曾經夢寐以求的玩具,同時我也很抱歉如果我讓妳感到受傷害。 <br></FONT><br>After all, I'm all grown up now. <br><FONT color=#000000>畢竟,我已經完全長大了。</FONT> <br><IMG src="http://www.emimusic.com.tw/forum/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif" border=0> <br><FONT color=#000000>(眨眼微笑)</FONT> <br><br><FONT color=#000000>(以上英文中文對照翻譯 by 獅子座男子Leo Man)</FONT> <br><br></P>
<DIV>第2篇   英文中文對照翻譯如下:<br>(subject)Itchy sonny. <br><FONT color=#000000>(標題)長了疥癬的Sonny<br></FONT><br>My dog has this chronic skin irritation. <br><FONT color=#000000>我的狗狗得到了這慢性的皮膚病。<br></FONT><br>It plagues him every day, probably more so when there is no one around to chastise his bad nibbling habit. It has gotten so bad his fur is in patches, almost leopard-like except that he is in white and black. <br><FONT color=#000000>這讓牠每</FONT><FONT color=#000000>天都很難受,</FONT><FONT color=#000000>身邊的我們都捨</FONT><FONT color=#000000>不得去斥責牠到處亂咬東西的壞習慣了</FONT><FONT color=#000000>。</FONT><FONT color=#000000>狀況糟到牠的皮毛像是</FONT><FONT color=#000000>補釘般一塊塊的,假使不是黑白的色塊就幾乎像是美洲豹了。</FONT><br><br>I do feel sorry for the poor bugger. Since he can't see how he looks from aerial view, he probably still thinks he's a handsome fella. <br><FONT color=#000000>我真的為這可憐的小狗感到很難過</FONT><FONT color=#000000>。</FONT><FONT color=#000000>牠沒辦法像我們從上</FONT><FONT color=#000000>頭看到牠的模樣</FONT><FONT color=#000000>,</FONT><FONT color=#000000>或許牠還是覺得自己很帥</FONT><FONT color=#000000>哩。<br></FONT><br>CHEW CHEW CHEW. <br><FONT color=#000000>咬咬咬</FONT><br><br>I think there is a letter H on his shoulder blade formed by this incessant chewing. I think it stands for HOLY SHIT...or How man? <br><FONT color=#000000>我覺得Sonny的肩胛骨上頭有個像是連續不斷咬痕所弄出來的H字樣,我想那代表非常倒楣的意思……或</FONT><FONT color=#000000>者是怎麼辦?</FONT><br><br>The last time I brought him to the vet, he gave him antibiotics. Being extremely crafty, it was almost impossible to hide the pill in his food. This interrupted course means that it not only gets worse, it becomes harder to treat. I feel like tearing out the hair on my own head. <br><FONT color=#000000>上次我帶牠去看獸醫的時候,獸醫給Sonny開了抗生素。可是這小狗太聰明了,幾乎不可能把藥丸藏在</FONT><FONT color=#000000>牠的食物裡。中斷用藥不但讓病情加重,還變得更難治療,(Sonny掉毛掉到讓)我感覺就好像我自己</FONT><FONT color=#000000>的頭髮正被一一扯掉。</FONT><br><br>It would be what they describe as the uncanny semblance between owners and their pets.<br><FONT color=#000000>大概是因為人們總是說飼主和他們的寵物總是長得很像的關係吧。</FONT><br><br><FONT color=#000000>(以上英文中文對照翻譯 by 獅子座男子Leo Man)</FONT></DIV></FONT>

爱姿永不变 发表于 2008-7-27 11:11:46

<P>leo man翻译的好棒哈,这下都懂啦,嘿嘿。。。</P>

xiandongwoxi 发表于 2008-7-27 11:17:00


乖乖女 发表于 2008-7-27 11:29:22

<P>燕姿也要LEO MAN翻译的嘛</P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000><U>但她要我幫忙翻譯讓更多人看得懂</U></FONT></P>

ellean723 发表于 2008-7-28 00:08:23


紫罗兰 发表于 2008-7-27 17:52:39

佩服,竟然能被Leo Man找到

我爱晨 发表于 2008-7-27 09:45:25

<P>Leo Man果然很贴心 哈哈</P>

我爱晨 发表于 2008-7-27 09:45:35

<P>Leo Man果然很贴心 哈哈</P>

沙漠纷飞 发表于 2008-7-27 13:25:08


waztt 发表于 2008-7-27 14:47:14

<P>Leo Man果然很贴心 哈哈</P>
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