爱姿永不变 发表于 2008-8-11 22:14:08

ABLE博客最新博文(有leo man翻译)

<DIV>英文中文對照翻譯如下:<br>(subject)Itchy sonny. <br>(標題)長了疥癬的Sonny<br><br>My dog has this chronic skin irritation. <br>我的狗狗得到了這慢性的皮膚病。<br><br>It plagues him every day, probably more so when there is no one around to chastise his bad nibbling habit. It has gotten so bad his fur is in patches, almost leopard-like except that he is in white and black. <br>這讓牠每天都很難受,身邊的我們都捨不得去斥責牠到處亂咬東西的壞習慣了。狀況糟到牠的皮毛像是補釘般一塊塊的,假使不是黑白的色塊就幾乎像是美洲豹了。<br><br>I do feel sorry for the poor bugger. Since he can't see how he looks from aerial view, he probably still thinks he's a handsome fella. <br>我真的為這可憐的小狗感到很難過。牠沒辦法像我們從上頭看到牠的模樣,或許牠還是覺得自己很帥哩。<br><br>CHEW CHEW CHEW. <br>咬咬咬<br><br>I think there is a letter H on his shoulder blade formed by this incessant chewing. I think it stands for HOLY SHIT...or How man? <br>我覺得Sonny的肩胛骨上頭有個像是連續不斷咬痕所弄出來的H字樣,我想那代表非常倒楣的意思……或者是怎麼辦?<br><br>The last time I brought him to the vet, he gave him antibiotics. Being extremely crafty, it was almost impossible to hide the pill in his food. This interrupted course means that it not only gets worse, it becomes harder to treat. I feel like tearing out the hair on my own head. <br>上次我帶牠去看獸醫的時候,獸醫給Sonny開了抗生素。可是這小狗太聰明了,幾乎不可能把藥丸藏在牠的食物裡。中斷用藥不但讓病情加重,還變得更難治療,(Sonny掉毛掉到讓)我感覺就好像我自己的頭髮正被一一扯掉。<br><br>It would be what they describe as the uncanny semblance between owners and their pets.<br>大概是因為人們總是說飼主和他們的寵物總是長得很像的關係吧。<br><br>(以上英文中文對照翻譯 by 獅子座男子Leo Man)</DIV>

ャ硪dē爱 发表于 2008-8-11 22:44:57


Scamper 发表于 2008-8-11 23:26:48


爱姿的隐形人 发表于 2008-8-13 12:11:14

是谁说明的?我没看到啊 帖子名称是什么啊?

珞珞 发表于 2008-8-16 10:23:53


蜡笔小新 发表于 2008-8-12 14:41:32


jessicaWF 发表于 2008-8-12 16:22:52

<P><STRONG><FONT size=2>对啊!!</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT size=2>同楼上的</FONT></STRONG></P>

xiandongwoxi 发表于 2008-8-12 21:07:25


ahzhangjian 发表于 2008-8-12 22:32:07


bj 发表于 2008-8-16 01:27:59

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