紫罗兰 发表于 2008-9-30 21:14:46

孙燕姿痛失10年知己 为亡友圆歌星梦

<P><IMG src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3266/2898264785_b1fc0c2786.jpg" border=0></P>
<P align=left>当年Nicole和孙燕姿都在偲菘伟菘的音乐教室上课而成为好友,后来唱片公司要找新秀,在孙燕姿和Nicole之间2选1,最后孙燕姿雀屏中选,出片后一炮而红成为歌坛天后,Nicole不仅没有眼红,还大方祝福她,回忆这段过往,孙燕姿说:“那时华纳在我们2人中做选择,他们选了我,我毫无疑问地感受到Nicole真心为我感到高兴。”</P>
<P>除了好友和合作伙伴关系,Nicole也是孙燕姿的歌唱老师,教过她几堂课,《你我的自由》EP印制是要让Nicole的好友及喜欢她的人收藏,年底还有推出纪念专辑的计划,孙燕姿也将尽最大能力帮忙。 </P>
<P>(本文来源:网易娱乐 )</P>
<P><br><FONT color=#ff0000>孙燕姿出资为好友完成出唱片心愿</FONT></P>
<P>她的朋友孙燕姿,为纪念她赞助出版了400张她创作及演唱的单曲CD《自由》。 <br><br>Two weeks ago, an unknown local back-up singer became the fourth most searched-for name in the local Google website. <br>两个星期前,本地一个默默无闻歌手的名字,在本地谷歌搜索排行榜中名列第四。 <br><br>But fame came to Nicole Lai (黎珈仪) a little too late. <br>但是,名气对黎珈仪来说,有点为时已晚。 <br><br>The 36-year-old, who had sung back-up for the albums of top regional artists such as Aaron Kwok, Sammi Cheng and Jolin Tsai, had died on Sept 6 after a year-long battle with skin cancer. <br>今年36岁的黎珈仪曾为本区域著名歌手,如郭富城,郑秀文和蔡依林的专辑担任和音。她与皮肤癌战斗了一年后于9月6日去世。 <br><br>Her friend, Singapore's top singing ex&shy;port Stefanie Sun, paid tribute to her by sponsoring the printing of 400 CD copies of a single titled Freedom, which Lai wrote and sang. <br>她的朋友孙燕姿,为纪念她赞助出版了400张她创作及演唱的单曲CD《自由》。 <br><br>They were distributed at her recent wake and at the music schools where she taught at. At least 60 more people have asked for a copy. <br><br>"That's the only thing she had ever want&shy;ed, to have an album of her own," Sun, 30, told Life!. "It was the least I could do for her." <br>“拥有自己的专辑是她的唯一心愿 ”燕姿说。“这是最起码我能为她做的一件事。 ” <br><br>A blog, filled with photos and videos of Lai, has been created by her close friend Sharlyn Lim. <br>Lai, who grew up in Penang and came to Singapore at the age of 18, came very close to hitting the big time. <br><br>In the late 1990s, she was a student at the Lee Wei Song School of Music where she and Sun were short-listed as potential stars. <br><br>Sun recalled: "When Warner Music came to look for newbies to sign, it was a choice between her and me. When they chose me, I knew without a doubt that she was truly happy for me." <br>燕姿回忆说: “当年华纳音乐来找新人签约时,是要在我和她之间做出选择。当他们选择了我时,我毫无疑问知道,她真的为我感到高兴。 ”<br></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-9 23:20:01编辑过]

蜡笔小新 发表于 2008-10-4 22:17:23


Y无可取代Z 发表于 2008-10-6 13:05:21


lightning 发表于 2008-9-30 22:06:30


姿的朋友 发表于 2008-9-30 23:17:15


赂秦 发表于 2008-10-1 08:46:57

为什么   好人都那么脆弱··杨明学也死了··《我不难过》真的是很好听啊

穿越逆光 发表于 2008-10-2 15:53:24


工常煽疯 发表于 2008-10-1 19:47:30

<P>燕姿回忆说: “当年华纳音乐来找新人签约时,是要在我和她之间做出选择。当他们选择了我时,我毫无疑问知道,她真的为我感到高兴。 ”<BR></P>
<P>   很欣赏这样的朋友!燕姿和她的友谊,才是真正的友情!</P>

lanfengzheng 发表于 2008-10-1 14:55:04


●′、梅闻花 发表于 2008-10-1 17:07:06

不认识那个女女 .. 诶   怎么得病了呢 .
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