我爱晨 发表于 2009-6-9 10:03:40

2009-06-08 To err again is plain stupid

<P>I scratched my car at the EXACT same spot again. I am truly a true <br>blue stewpid fool. <br><br>It's this bloody column erected in the middle of a slope in a carpark. <br>It's funny how people make the same mistakes over and over, EVEN if <br>you were careful. Trust me I was breaking into a cold sweat when I saw <br>in the rear window that the body was a millimeter from the column. I <br>simply did not know how to get out of this quagmire. I inched forward, <br>engaged the reverse gear in a last ditch despair, and heard the heart <br>wrenching scrape. <br><br>No toilet paper is worth those multiple scratches. <br><br>argh.Having said that, I recently got into a tiff with someone who was once <br>very close to me. She decided to repeatedly remind me how I should <br>have done this and that to have avoided the conflict. Stewpidly, I did <br>the same to her by replying to her torrents of accusations. <br>Another case of repeat mistake, but this time, mirroring a mistake <br>made by someone else. We have officially fallen out and I feel scathed <br>and traumatised (like my GTI). I think it is hard to tell if the whole <br>argument was fundamentally flawed, and the circumstances that lead to <br>it were certainly unfortunate and unnecessary. But one thing's for <br>sure, avoid driving too close to columns smack in the middle of a <br>carpark, and remember why you kept your mouth shut in the first place. <br><br>That's my stewpid advice for today.<br></P>
<P>我在同个地点再次刮坏了我的车,我真的是笨到极点了。<br><br>那 个该死的圆柱直立在停车场斜坡的中央,但好笑的是人总是一次又一次的在那犯同样的错误,即使是你已经很小心了。相信我,当我从后窗玻璃里看见仅仅与圆柱1 毫米之隔,我全身冒着冷汗,那是我完全不知道要怎样摆脱这样的困境,我前进了几英寸,当我绝望的想最后倒车试一试的时候,我听到了惨不忍睹的擦痕声。<br><br>没有厕纸值得这样的创伤。<br><br>话虽如此,我最近和一位曾经跟我很要好的朋友起了争吵,她一再重复的提醒着我当初因该如何做才能避免这些不必要的冲突,然而我却还是心急的的反驳着她的指责。<br><br>还是犯着同样的错误,但是这次,是把别人错误从我身上反映出来了。 我们也因此脱离了。我感到伤痕累累(就像我的GTI),我想很难去争论那最初是谁的过错,也觉得我们经历了一些不必要, 不开心的过程。 可能是运气不好, 但这一切,我想也没必要再去争论。<br>但确定的是,在停车场要避免与圆柱靠的太近了,而且要记住当初沉默的理由。<br><br>这就是我今天我愚蠢的忠告。</P>

乖乖女 发表于 2009-6-9 10:39:53

To err again is plain stupid <BR>不要犯同样的错误 <BR><BR>I scratched my car at the EXACT same spot again. I am truly a true <BR>blue stewpid fool. <BR>我又一次在相同的地方刮伤了车,我简直就是一彻头彻尾的笨蛋! <BR><BR>It's this bloody column erected in the middle of a slope in a carpark. <BR>It's funny how people make the same mistakes over and over, EVEN if <BR>you were careful. Trust me I was breaking into a cold sweat when I saw <BR>in the rear window that the body was a millimeter from the column. I <BR>simply did not know how to get out of this quagmire. I inched forward, <BR>engaged the reverse gear in a last ditch despair, and heard the heart <BR>wrenching scrape. <BR>刮伤我的车的罪魁祸首——圆柱——矗立在停车场斜坡的中间,尽管小心加小心,但人们一次又一次地犯同样的错误还真是蛮搞笑的。相信我,在我透过后窗玻璃看到车身距离圆柱只有几毫米的时候我吓了一身冷汗(让你小心点!我们也吓了一身冷汗!),都不知道怎么从这个泥潭走出去了。我向前开了一点,抱着必死的信念挂了倒车档,但随即就听到了那撕心裂肺的擦刮声。 <BR><BR>No toilet paper is worth those multiple scratches. <BR>(这……) <BR><BR>argh. <BR>啊~~~~~~ <BR><BR>Having said that, I recently got into a tiff with someone who was once <BR>very close to me. She decided to repeatedly remind me how I should <BR>have done this and that to have avoided the conflict. Stewpidly, I did <BR>the same to her by replying to her torrents of accusations. <BR>Another case of repeat mistake, but this time, mirroring a mistake <BR>made by someone else. We have officially fallen out and I feel scathed <BR>and traumatised (like my GTI). I think it is hard to tell if the whole <BR>argument was fundamentally flawed, and the circumstances that lead to <BR>it were certainly unfortunate and unnecessary. But one thing's for <BR>sure, avoid driving too close to columns smack in the middle of a <BR>carpark, and remember why you kept your mouth shut in the first place. <BR>之前说过,我最近和一个曾经很要好的人吵嘴了,她一而再再而三地提醒我我应该怎么去这个,怎么去做那个,怎么去避免冲突……郁闷的是我也做了相同的事,把她的旧账全都翻了出来。另外一个重复的错误是发生在其他人身上的,我们正式地结束了,我感觉无论是肉体还是精神上我都很受伤(就像我的GTI&lt;应该是燕姿刮伤的车,大众GTI&gt;一样),而且说到争吵,我也不知道它到底是对是错,弄成这样不得不说是不幸的,也是没必要的。但是有一件事我很确定,那就是不要开得离停车场里的柱子太近,牢记你为什么要在第一时间闭上你的嘴巴。 <BR><BR>That's my stewpid advice for today.<BR>以上就是我今天给你们的建议。 <BR><BR>by shiner</CC>

ship 发表于 2009-6-9 14:18:25

<P>刚刚和某人发生点冲突 我还正在怀疑我的思维最近是不是很混乱 </P>
<P>老大就已经给我advice 谢谢</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-9 14:22:39编辑过]

Y无可取代Z 发表于 2009-6-9 15:08:05


bb 发表于 2009-6-9 16:00:12


ship 发表于 2009-6-9 17:27:30

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>bb</I>在2009-6-9 16:00:12的发言:</B><BR>她最近很勤劳地更博</DIV>
<P>不更博在家也没事干 哈哈哈哈 </P>

姿色心情 发表于 2009-6-9 18:13:05


zoesung 发表于 2009-6-9 18:14:04


姿色心情 发表于 2009-6-9 18:17:37

Translation courtesy of Abigale:<BR><BR>我在同个地点再次刮坏了我的车,我真的是笨到极点了。<BR><BR>那 个该死的圆柱直立在停车场斜坡的中央,但好笑的是人总是一次又一次的在那犯同样的错误,即使是你已经很小心了。相信我,当我从后窗玻璃里看见仅仅与圆柱1 毫米之隔,我全身冒着冷汗,那是我完全不知道要怎样摆脱这样的困境,我前进了几英寸,当我绝望的想最后倒车试一试的时候,我听到了惨不忍睹的擦痕声。<BR><BR>没有厕纸值得这样的创伤。<BR><BR>话虽如此,我最近和一位曾经跟我很要好的朋友起了争吵,她一再重复的提醒着我当初因该如何做才能避免这些不必要的冲突,然而我却还是心急的的反驳着她的指责。<BR><BR>还是犯着同样的错误,但是这次,是把别人错误从我身上反映出来了。 我们也因此脱离了。我感到伤痕累累(就像我的GTI),我想很难去争论那最初是谁的过错,也觉得我们经历了一些不必要, 不开心的过程。 可能是运气不好, 但这一切,我想也没必要再去争论。<BR>但确定的是,在停车场要避免与圆柱靠的太近了,而且要记住当初沉默的理由。<BR><BR>这就是我今天我愚蠢的忠告。

姿飞色舞 发表于 2009-6-9 22:00:41

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