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[燕姿留言] 2011-07-05 Square Pegs (附翻译)

发表于 2011-7-6 09:16:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I know I know,
it's been two thousand years.

Let me start by saying, I'm a square peg.

Almost everywhere around me I see round holes. This usually means that I need to shave off my corners a bit. That my friends, is the part I mind. No, hate."

As technology bombards me everyday with little snippets about every single damn thing in the world, my mind is ALWAYS, CONSTANTLY engaged. I even find myself checking my phone for updates at traffic lights. (Do not attempt to do this lowly, terribly, irresponsible act my readers.)

Someone is having a whale of a time, someone's kid is super smart, someone is clever and opinionated and gives a cute one liner, someone is bummed, someone is missing their dog, someone thinks of a hamburger. I take all these information in and realised that at the same time, my mind is merely engaged for as long as it takes to read the updates. All these smart and interesting and fun people are living their lives to the ultimate fullest and I'm at home watching Korean DVD??? (DISCLAIMER: I have a bit of cough you see, an itchy throat.)

It makes me envious. And a little bit jealous.

I feel out of sync with the amazing life.
My dullest moments are not worth mentioning and my most dramatic/dangerous/mind blowing moments are probably over. (Maybe except my future delivery of a baby which explicit details I shall not go into).

I very often wonder what is next in my life.
What do you get to top?

Would I be happy dishing out a hearty potato soup?
Or does it have to be sensationally jamie oliverish or so-horrid-you-had-to-blog-about-it to make it worthwhile?

Can I continue to be just a square peg in this round holed world?
DISCLAIMER II: Being a square peg doesn't mean that you are boring. It just means that sometimes you don't fit in. Anywhere. And I'm not boring I just have days where I like to hole up and disappear. But you already know that.  if you think this makes me sound like a loser, you are smart and opinionated.

方枘圆凿【注:成语“方枘(rui)圆凿”的意思是方形的木钉无法钉入圆形的洞里,比喻与周遭环境不能相合。标题Square Pegs的意思即为方形的木钉。】








或者,为了使汤变得更有意义,该不该像杰米.奥利佛【注:Jamie Oliver是英国电视明星大厨,以BBC烹饪节目闻名全球】那样来加以渲染,或因为它难喝而发布一篇博客大肆讨论一番?

声明之二:作为一根方木钉并不意味着你是无聊的人。它只是意味着有些时候你无法委曲求全。可以在任何地方。我不会去烦扰他人,我只会去消失一段时间藏起来。不过你们都知道这些了。 如果你觉得这让我听起来像个笨蛋,那么算你头脑聪明有主见。

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发表于 2011-7-7 20:20:55 | 显示全部楼层
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