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[燕姿留言] 2013-01-20 孙燕姿最新博文“Motherhood”

发表于 2013-1-21 09:50:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

It took me some time to
want to write this post. I think many mothers would understand why. Perhaps there should have been a handbook somewhere that's titled "Motherhood. Hahaha." This Hahaha isn't a mocking laugh. It is one let out from part relief, part smug, after a bout of nervousness. A rather long bout. It is a laugh that cannot be stifled in knowing the AMAZING roller coaster ride for the person that deems to pick up the book. (Ya ok, there is a tinge of mockery for the heedless, cocky, confident moms-to-be. READ: ME) After all, it really is one of those best kept secret about the avalanche of well, everything. Here it goes. Motherhood is _______. I cannot begin to fill in the blank. But a few adjectives sprung to mind. Astonishing, reassuring, intense, extraordinary. If you think some of these adjectives can swing both ways on the scale of happiness and a meltdown, trust me, that is the intention. But because I had already some kind of meltdown during my fledgling career, it was better managed this time with my eye on the prize. (I don't think it is wise to go into details here or I might get a call from the family planning association.) My prize. It's a little bundle of softness. On a rainy night, it might even be a little sack of warmth. It is a soothed gurgle, a quiet moment. It is a kicking in the bath tub. It is a ferocious sucking on the teat. It is a further turn in the wheel of the weighing machine. It is a sparkle of recognition in the eye. It is the accidental and intentional babbles. It is the smiles with the eyes wide shut. It is the smiles. All the smiles. All the delight in the world is there, and all the prizes in the world that matters is there. Just remember, keep your eye on the prize. And my prize doesn't just like to be hugged, he likes to hug!! XD

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发表于 2013-1-28 00:50:01 | 显示全部楼层
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