Thursday, 23 April 2009 Congrats your head Thanks to very imaginative reporters, I have had a few congratulatory messages over facebook.
Eh, 6 years ago some fortune teller said I would get married, it did not materialise and then the year after, they took a shot again. I'm not saying I enjoy single-dom so much so that it is a lifelong spinster pledge, but please stop predicting my marital status just because I'm in a relationship.
Sure it's one or the other, a 'happy' forecast of bliss ever after, a long 'drawn out' companionship or a 'tragic' breakup from irreconcilable differences. How about not telling me what's going to happen? How about letting me find out for myself what lies ahead instead of drawing out my future floor plan? It's like telling everyone you are pregnant even before you took a pregnancy test.
Reporter: Are you getting married soon? Me: I'm not against marriage but it's not in the pipeline anytime soon. Headlines: She's getting married!
Reporter: Do you like children? Me: I love kiddies! Headlines: She's getting married and having children!
Ok, I loved the idea of happily ever after, and I do blame walt disney for all the fairy tale endings. But being together sometimes just means, BEING TOGETHER. It doesn't mean getting hitched, or popping out babies. Just because I do not oppose of something, does not mean that I endorse it.
I think this discussion is over.
I have been taking creatine to boost atheletic performance. Unfortunately it has caused ulcers and snappy retorts to anyone around me. Apparently this supplement is very 'zhua' or 'heaty', but it did improve my endurance level. I am torn. I have reduced it to only one tablet a week (even though you are supposed to take two each time you exercise), and drinking lots of liquids and liang cha. It is very frustrating, but I will press on.
(As in me, not the press.)
星期四 09.04.23 致意
记者问:你最近会结婚吗? 我:我不反对结婚,但最近不太可能。 这篇报道标题:她已经结婚了!
记者问:你喜欢孩子么? 我:我爱孩子。 标题:她已经结婚并且有了孩子!

Congrats your head 恭喜你個頭
Thanks to very imaginative reporters, I have had a few congratulatory messages over facebook.
Eh, 6 years ago some fortune teller said I would get married, it did not materialise and then the year after, they took a shot again. I'm not saying I enjoy single-dom so much so that it is a lifelong spinster pledge, but please stop predicting my marital status just because I'm in a relationship.
Eh, 六年前有些算命師說我會結婚,但並沒有實現,然後在第二年,他們又再一次做出這樣的預測。我不認為那是對老處女由衷的祝福,因為我并沒有那樣熱愛單身生活。此外,請不要再僅僅因為我正在拍拖就預測我的婚姻狀態。
eh, Sure it's one or the other, a 'happy' forecast of bliss ever after, a long 'drawn out' companionship or a 'tragic' breakup from irreconcilable differences. How about not telling me what's going to happen? How about letting me find out for myself what lies ahead instead of drawing out my future floor plan? It's like telling everyone you are pregnant even before you took a pregnancy test.
eh, 當然以上說的是其中一類,另有一些則是對我以后的福分做了一個“歡快(Stelart按:個人認為此處也有諷刺這些預告不負責任的意思)”的預告,(說我以后的命撸┗蛘呤且欢纬掷m很久的伴侶關係,又或是一段因為不可調和的差異而引起的悲劇般的分手下場。能不能不要告訴我未來要發生什麼事? 能不能不要勾畫我未來生活的藍圖而讓我自己去發現前方有什么在等著我? 這些所作所為就好像你還未做驗孕測試就已經告訴所有人你懷上了一樣。
Reporter: Are you getting married soon? Me: I'm not against marriage but it's not in the pipeline anytime soon. Headlines: She's getting married!
記者:你是不是馬上就要結婚了呢? 我:我不抗拒婚姻但短期內沒有這個打算。 頭條:她要結婚了!
Reporter: Do you like children? Me: I love kiddies! Headlines: She's getting married and having children!
記者:你喜歡小孩嗎? 我:我好喜歡小孩子! 頭條:她要結婚生子了!
Ok, I loved the idea of happily ever after, and I do blame walt disney for all the fairy tale endings. But being together sometimes just means, BEING TOGETHER. It doesn't mean getting hitched, or popping out babies. Just because I do not oppose of something, does not mean that I endorse it.
OK, 我喜歡那種「從此以後就快樂的生活下去」的想法,同時我真的要責備迪士尼那些神話故事的結局。但有時候在一起只是純揪蛢H僅意味著在一起而已。這不代表要被拴住,或者生baby。我並不反對一些東西(stelart按,是針對媒體之前說燕姿不排斥婚前生子之類的報道吧,個人意見僅供參考),但不代表我會認同它。
I think this discussion is over.
I have been taking creatine to boost atheletic performance. Unfortunately it has caused ulcers and snappy retorts to anyone around me. Apparently this supplement is very 'zhua' or 'heaty', but it did improve my endurance level. I am torn. I have reduced it to only one tablet a week (even though you are supposed to take two each time you exercise), and drinking lots of liquids and liang cha. It is very frustrating, but I will press on.
我在吃肌酸來推進我邉拥谋憩F。但不幸地它令我生潰瘍而且也使我對身邊的人脾氣有一些暴躁。因為這種輔助藥物是非常有火氣的,但它的確提升了我的忍耐力。我要崩潰了,現在我一個星期只吃一粒 (即使應該是要在每次邉忧俺詢闪5 |