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[燕姿留言] 2009-06-08 To err again is plain stupid

发表于 2009-6-9 10:03:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I scratched my car at the EXACT same spot again. I am truly a true
blue stewpid fool.

It's this bloody column erected in the middle of a slope in a carpark.
It's funny how people make the same mistakes over and over, EVEN if
you were careful. Trust me I was breaking into a cold sweat when I saw
in the rear window that the body was a millimeter from the column. I
simply did not know how to get out of this quagmire. I inched forward,
engaged the reverse gear in a last ditch despair, and heard the heart
wrenching scrape.

No toilet paper is worth those multiple scratches.

argh.Having said that, I recently got into a tiff with someone who was once
very close to me. She decided to repeatedly remind me how I should
have done this and that to have avoided the conflict. Stewpidly, I did
the same to her by replying to her torrents of accusations.
Another case of repeat mistake, but this time, mirroring a mistake
made by someone else. We have officially fallen out and I feel scathed
and traumatised (like my GTI). I think it is hard to tell if the whole
argument was fundamentally flawed, and the circumstances that lead to
it were certainly unfortunate and unnecessary. But one thing's for
sure, avoid driving too close to columns smack in the middle of a
carpark, and remember why you kept your mouth shut in the first place.

That's my stewpid advice for today.


那 个该死的圆柱直立在停车场斜坡的中央,但好笑的是人总是一次又一次的在那犯同样的错误,即使是你已经很小心了。相信我,当我从后窗玻璃里看见仅仅与圆柱1 毫米之隔,我全身冒着冷汗,那是我完全不知道要怎样摆脱这样的困境,我前进了几英寸,当我绝望的想最后倒车试一试的时候,我听到了惨不忍睹的擦痕声。



还是犯着同样的错误,但是这次,是把别人错误从我身上反映出来了。 我们也因此脱离了。我感到伤痕累累(就像我的GTI),我想很难去争论那最初是谁的过错,也觉得我们经历了一些不必要, 不开心的过程。 可能是运气不好, 但这一切,我想也没必要再去争论。



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发表于 2009-6-9 10:39:53 | 显示全部楼层
To err again is plain stupid

I scratched my car at the EXACT same spot again. I am truly a true
blue stewpid fool.

It's this bloody column erected in the middle of a slope in a carpark.
It's funny how people make the same mistakes over and over, EVEN if
you were careful. Trust me I was breaking into a cold sweat when I saw
in the rear window that the body was a millimeter from the column. I
simply did not know how to get out of this quagmire. I inched forward,
engaged the reverse gear in a last ditch despair, and heard the heart
wrenching scrape.

No toilet paper is worth those multiple scratches.


Having said that, I recently got into a tiff with someone who was once
very close to me. She decided to repeatedly remind me how I should
have done this and that to have avoided the conflict. Stewpidly, I did
the same to her by replying to her torrents of accusations.
Another case of repeat mistake, but this time, mirroring a mistake
made by someone else. We have officially fallen out and I feel scathed
and traumatised (like my GTI). I think it is hard to tell if the whole
argument was fundamentally flawed, and the circumstances that lead to
it were certainly unfortunate and unnecessary. But one thing's for
sure, avoid driving too close to columns smack in the middle of a
carpark, and remember why you kept your mouth shut in the first place.

That's my stewpid advice for today.

by shiner
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发表于 2009-6-9 14:18:25 | 显示全部楼层


刚刚和某人发生点冲突 我还正在怀疑我的思维最近是不是很混乱

老大就已经给我advice 谢谢

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-9 14:22:39编辑过]
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发表于 2009-6-9 15:08:05 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2009-6-9 16:00:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-9 17:27:30 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用bb在2009-6-9 16:00:12的发言:

不更博在家也没事干 哈哈哈哈

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发表于 2009-6-9 18:13:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-9 18:14:04 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2009-6-9 18:17:37 | 显示全部楼层
Translation courtesy of Abigale:


那 个该死的圆柱直立在停车场斜坡的中央,但好笑的是人总是一次又一次的在那犯同样的错误,即使是你已经很小心了。相信我,当我从后窗玻璃里看见仅仅与圆柱1 毫米之隔,我全身冒着冷汗,那是我完全不知道要怎样摆脱这样的困境,我前进了几英寸,当我绝望的想最后倒车试一试的时候,我听到了惨不忍睹的擦痕声。



还是犯着同样的错误,但是这次,是把别人错误从我身上反映出来了。 我们也因此脱离了。我感到伤痕累累(就像我的GTI),我想很难去争论那最初是谁的过错,也觉得我们经历了一些不必要, 不开心的过程。 可能是运气不好, 但这一切,我想也没必要再去争论。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-9 22:00:41 | 显示全部楼层



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